All About Vata, Pitta & Kapha, Diagnosis in Ayurveda
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All About Vata, Pitta & Kapha, Diagnosis in Ayurveda

The diagnosis in Ayurveda is basically a two-fold approach

(1) Rogi-pareeksha (Examination of the patient) &

(2) Roga -pareeksha (Examination of the disease)

The Rogi- pareeksha or Dasavidha pareeksha – (clinical examination) this is essentially concerned with ascertaining the constitution ( prakriti), status of health and vitality of the individual. This is achieved through tenfold examinations of the patient comprising of (1) constitution (prakriti) (2) disease susceptibility (vikriti), (3)essence (sara),(4) compactness (samhanana), (5) anthropometry (pramana), (6) compatibility (satmya), (7) mind (sattwa), (8) digestive capacity of food (aharasakti), (9) physical strength (vyayamasakti) and (10) age (vaya).

(2) Roga -pareeksha (Examination of the disease) There are different methods to follow in roga pareeksha or diagnosing the disease in Ayurveda. The general examination is made through popular eight types of examination of patient (ashtasthana pareeksha) comprising examination of pulse (nadi), urine (mootra), faeces(mala), tongue (jihva), voice (shabda), touch (sparsha), eye/vision (drik) and stature (akriti) and also considering the state of pathways of internal transport systems (srotas) and digestive fire (agni).

Balance Your vata Pitta and Kapha

To balance each dosha, certain foods need to be consumed while some need to be avoided. Balancing Vata: High consumption of spicy and astringent foods contributes to vata imbalance. Hence, a peace-making diet with salty, sweet and sour tastes and warm, moist and easily digestible foods is recommended.

To balance each dosha, certain foods need to be consumed while some need to be avoided. Balancing Vata: High consumption of spicy and astringent foods contributes to vata imbalance. Hence, a peace-making diet with salty, sweet and sour tastes and warm, moist and easily digestible foods is recommended.
Integrating warming and carminative (gas-relieving) spices such as cinnamon, cumin, ginger, salt, cloves, mustard seed, black pepper, cardamom and basil into the diet is also recommended. Juicy fruits and vegetables, heavy fruits (such as avocados and bananas), risotto and sweet and sour veggies aall help pacify vatta.

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Pachak Amrut Granules

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